Friday, May 6, 2011

Boldness Now (The Assembly Begins)

You see a colleague at Assembly as you turn the corner near the Registration Desk and you get a bad feeling because you have a history and it's not all good, but you walk up and genuinely greet. And you realize again what this boldness of Christ is about.
You stand in the narrow space between front room and balcony at the hospitality gathering and you actually listen when the person in conversation tells you "how they are doing" after you ask. And you realize again what this boldness of Christ is about.
You hear and see a Resolution on the floor that invites you to see and hear a person on the street in a new way and actually engage them in some way...and you think that maybe because that church in Cocoa Beach did so you can too. And you realize again what this boldness of Christ is about.
You meet brothers and sisters in the faith from Suriname and see the Holy Spirit moving out of them into you as you see their eyes dance with excitement when they tell you of their challenges to being church...and you share your challenges too. And boldness unfolds again.
You approve with green cards the agenda that will shape the next days and then look forward to the Table eucharist that does the formation of heart, body and soul so that the framework of the meetings are anything but formal structures but rather clothed in Christ. Boldness is done to you so you can be that very same throughout these days together. Boldness doesn't wait for you to get home. It will be there for you when you do get there. But for now its given to you here in this Resort on I-4 for to you receive it as a gift to be shared. And you do.

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