Saturday, May 5, 2012

Musings from the 2012 Synod Assembly Day Two

Good day full of good things.
Amazing turnout for morning worship. 
A lot of humor continuing to be exercised.
We voted, sometimes for people and sometimes for non-binding straw polls of an informational nature pertaining to our feelings about the month of synod assembly (turns out most folks don't care if it is in May or June) and if an afternoon service project was offered would people participate (three-fourths of the lay folks said "absolutely" while the clergy were as inclined to participate as to sleep.) Make of that what you will - my guess is that the clergy couldn't resist any choice that included the word "nap."

We learned that Pastor Steve Wigdahl (Emmanuel, Naples) I am sure some folks would flock to hear him do the announcements at any parish, anywhere, any time. 

We spent 90 minutes in the presence of a Disney Institute presenter who challenged us to think.
>How is Disney like your Congregation? (Some interesting answers here) 
>What is the one thing that you could not take away from  the experience of church for it to still be church? (A tougher question, perhaps).

She spoke about the importance of behaviors and the importance of defining our purpose, aligning our purpose with "customer" expectations and communicating this to the employees.

And a lot of other stuff.

To be honest, I found myself thinking like a visitor throughout her talk. Their experience. Their expectations. And there is merit to try to walk in their shoes, see with their eyes what we ourselves, due to our own familiarity cannot truly see. Getting caught up in the "we are here to proclaim Christ not meet people's expectations" mantra misses the point because that mantra opens the door to failing to be a radically hospitable church. Gives us an excuse not to welcome as Christ welcomes (Dr. Hanna from Southern Seminary has led us in Bible Study this weekend and has been awesome in opening us up to the radical welcome of God by unpacking the parable of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15). 

We heard from both the Bishop and the Vice President of the synod (And the Vice President of the ELCA) good words full of hope and challenge and continuing in what seems to be the general feeling of the assembly, good humor.  And we learned that Pastor Rita Gardner-Tweed is moving offices and changing hats: she is becoming the new Director for Evangelical Mission for the synod, while Associate in Ministry Connie Schmucker will assume the position of Assistant to the Bishop for the west coast of Florida. 

Wondering if the word "justice" bothers us. Discomforts us. Discomforts us enough. Enough to take the "Resolveds" of the Resolution on Racial Healing which passed late this afternoon, seriously. Hoping so. Praying so. Looking forward to seeing a good turnout at the synod's anti-racism workshop August 10th and 11th and to quote the Resolution: "to create a new level of dialogue among us to aid in open, honest, and mutually respectful discussions to challenge old behaviors and assumptions and allowing a loving atmosphere to break down defenses that prevent the healing of the sin of racism...." 

Best example of Radical Hospitality today: The young lady working the cash register at the morning breakfast line outside the assembly hall whose welcoming smile and infectiously good nature should be cloned and shared among every congregation of our church. 

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