Saturday, May 1, 2010

Catching Glimpses of our Risen Lord

We are witnesses to the resurrection in some very every day ways that are profoundly real and true. As we walk the halls outside the Assembly, or the rows or aisles inside the hall, we see friends and acquaintances and stop and chat and look in each other's eyes and ask how it's going and hope we get a straight answer. Because we want to hear it and they really want to deliver it. Simple but holy moments of conversations that revive friendships, make new friends, give new insights,clear cobwebs. We share stories. We share hopes and dreams and fears and nightmares.
The Holy Spirit fuels these conversations so they are salutary and healing.
Bishop Ed preached tonight about how we are in fact living out Jesus promise that we will be "witnesses to these things."
I see it in many ways. I see it in these conversations.
Our prayers tonight at worship spoke well of living beyond words.
I was glad to hear a petition about the Gulf oil spill. That's all I'm going to say about that.
When I was a child my mother would sing hymns as she sat on my bedside. "Now the Day is Over..." Yes, I did hear the receive the faith in song. I used to sing to my girls. They are grown now. I am going to ask them what songs they carry that they will sing.
Tomorrow we will all gather again, have holy conversations and learn to sing healing and blessing into the world so that when we go home from this Assembly we will be evangelical and not just carry it as a church label.
Johan Bergh

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