Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pebbles on the Water: The Charlie Brown Assembly

During the conversation on day two of the Florida-Bahamas Assembly, the image was used of a stone thrown into water and the ripples that come from it. One might be quick to jump on the Baptismal image of the water itself. One might be just as prone to see the ripples as the waves of change that emanate from the center. But me, I was much more interested in the stone that started the whole thing.

Now I’m a little prejudiced as my nickname in my family is Rocky, my mission congregation in Wildwood is Rock of Ages, and like Joan Jett, I love Rock and Roll. I thought it was really cool that large stones carved with “Together in Mission” were given to special people and congregations (I was also a little jealous. I mean Rock of Ages . . .). And in the midst of all the Mission emphasis, with myself and the other Mission Developers representing the newest congregations under development in the Synod standing on stage, I was struck with a feeling of being a part of something much bigger and grander than my day to day would indicate.

Steve Bouman again emphasized the need for the whole church to take care of individual mission posts that we call congregations. He especially lifted up the need for the whole of the Synod to sustain the new starts because ownership is really from the whole of the people of God. As I stood on stage with my Mission Developer colleagues, I was overwhelmed as I looked out on 500 people listening to our stories and rooting for our ministries. It was quite obvious that my congregation is not alone and neither are any of us. The feeling and the actions of the Assembly were truly Beyond Words in expressing that we are all one in Christ!

Now I know that next week I will fall into some of that day to day that can quickly turn the tide of feeling like a team player to feeling like the Lone Ranger. I can even look at my calendar and tell you a couple of days and times when that is almost certain to occur. But I had a thought to help me out.

Many years ago, at Halloween, my neighbors decided to give me a treat. Each house I visited for trick or treating gave me a rock (remember my nickname is Rocky). The gag was a reenactment of the scene from “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” where Charlie Brown ends each house visit with the pronouncement, “All I got was a rock.”

Now at Rock of Ages, whenever we hear Rock it has all kinds of spiritual meanings. It is Christ the Solid Rock on which we stand. It is the shortened name for our worshipping community. And it is truly the foundation upon which we are built. But for this week it will also be a simple symbol which we found at our seats this morning.

At every seat was a smooth black rock with the word “Together” written on it. I’m thinking of just putting that in my pocket as a reminder for the day to day. When I’m feeling so alone that Tonto has left the building perhaps I can read that word “Together” and remember when 500 folks from all over the state prayed for me, my congregation, and our ministry in our community. Maybe I can feel the solid strength and remember the foundation that supports what each of our congregations does is founded in that togetherness.

So what do you take home with you from this assembly? New friends? New resources? New vision? Or maybe you’re like me and got all you needed in one small package. Because what Charlie Brown declared with disappointment, I proclaim with gratitude, “All I got was a rock.” Until next time . . .

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