Saturday, May 7, 2011

My, How I Love This Church (Part 4...and last)

I noticed there weren't many blogs this year and I believe that is due to how packed our Assembly was scheduled. We went from 8:30am on Friday until 10:30pm on Friday night (and probably later if you attended the “Bullied” movie which I had seen already and knew I wanted to blog so I skipped out on it) straight through. During lunch time I was able to get to the invitation to blog and update my profile. And then Saturday, with checking out, the final sessions, and worship, there was very little time to blog. I am home but am still flying high from the Assembly so I thought I would blog about today's sessions.

If my numbers are right, we had a high of 518 people at the assembly, which was more than last year! Bill Horne came up and gave the last TiM grant (to all congregations of the Florida-Bahamas Synod for Mission Insite – see one of my Friday blogs for more details). The total amount of grants given out this time came to $58,940 (domestic) with $32,000 left. (The car for The Lutheran Church of Haiti comes from the Haiti part of TiM). We continue to pray for more people financially supporting TiM so more grants can be given out. You can submit your Letter of Inquiry for the next of round of grants through July 31st. Let's boldly, creatively, missionally dream how we can continue to be freed in Christ to serve one another.

We then heard from the Global Missions team and our Companion Synod Program. That was great! A group from Suriname came to our Assembly. We had the opportunity to speak with them and find out what is going on in Suriname. It is very powerful to put a face to names we have been praying for and financially supporting over the years. The oldest church in Suriname is 270 years old and the main language is Dutch. The montage video of all the Companion Synods (Guyana, Suriname, Haiti, Cuba and Jamaica, although there were no pictures from Jamaica – that sounds like a mission to me), set to the music of Contemporary Christian Band Audio Adrenaline's “Hands and Feet” got me singing. This song has always been a favorite of mine. It speaks to the ELCA's slogan of God's Work our Hands perfectly. You can find the lyrics here...
I loved Mary Delasin's (Haiti Taskforce and World Hunger) one liner that Jesus says, “Go and do, not feel bad and talk about it.” That's what the Florida-Bahamas Synod and the ELCA. We boldly go and do.

Our Assembly is not only for adults but we also have Youth present as full voting members. Each congregation is encouraged to send a youth along with their other 2 voting members and pastor(s). We need to hear their voice as they are not only the future of the church, they are church right now. Their bold passion for social justice, worship, and ministry is contagious.

We also heard about the Women of the ELCA and their new website ( Check it out! W-ELCA is a bold ministry of the ELCA (they even have an I-Phone App, now that's bold).

Voting members voted on Resolutions throughout the Assembly. Deans and Conference chairs now have term limits of 3 consecutive 2 year terms; We have been urged to support homeless ministry; the budget has been passed for this year and a tentative budget for next year; Congregations are urged to support and encourage education ministries for lay people (especially diakonia- a 2 year seminary-like educational program); A memorial to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in August to speak and act to prevent bullying, harassment, and related violence, especially in light of the recent media coverage on violence against youth who are gay, lesbian, transgendered, and bisexual was passed; a memorial to the Churchwide Assembly in August asking for a moratorium on future Social Statements was defeated.

We closed the Assembly with Holy Communion worship and installed the elected Synod Council members (Judith Bunker, Lynda Mack, Karen Combs, Pr. Keith Spencer, Todd Anderson, and Jose Perez), Synod Secretary (Michele Hilton), and the Conference Youth Coordinators (sorry don't have all your names). Pr. Ruben Duran preached. Throughout the Assembly he referred to the Holy Trinity as the 3 Amigos which got a laugh every time. He even challenged us that if we are ever eating a restaurant alone to ask for a table for four. And I don't think we will forget his comment that “Jesus has a good reputation,” meaning that his words of promise are secure. The future is bright when we hold onto Jesus' promises in scripture. He promises that he will build his church and that he will be with us always. We hold on to that even when there are times that our hearts are heavy. We know that in the middle of it, God always comes down in Jesus, to change our heavy hearts into burning hearts. I am reminded of our communion liturgy. We pray for the Holy Spirit to come with these words, “Reveal yourself to us in the breaking of the bread. Raise us up as the body of Christ for the world. Breathe new life into us. Send us forth, burning with justice, peace, and love,” and may I add, boldly send us forth, burning with justice, peace, and love.

Thanks be to God for the 2011 Florida-Bahamas Synod Assembly. Wow. My, how I love this church!!

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