Friday, May 6, 2011

My, How I love this Church (Part 1)

Phyllis Fludd White had it right when she came up to do announcements on Friday afternoon. After beginning Thursday at 4pm with the opening of the 2011 Florida-Bahamas Synod “With All Boldness” Assembly her words today spoke what I was thinking. “My, how I love this church!” Amen Phyllis.

Thursday afternoon and evening was filled with the overview of what Friday and Saturday would bring us. Bishop Benoway opened the assembly as we all sang together in good Lutheran voice, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” We were told that we will be hearing throughout the assembly ways we as a Synod are being bold in proclaiming and living out the Gospel message that we are an Easter people followers of the Risen Christ. Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Alleluia! Standing rules were announced and the agenda was passed, introductions were made, and a special point was made that our Prayer Chapel is in the middle of the Town Square/Marketplace just as the church needs to be in the middle of the world.

After the Nominating Committee announced all the position openings for the Synod Council and also Synod Secretary, a special time to honor the outgoing Synod Secretary brought the Assembly to their feet in ovation for Rev. William Yesse as he has served as the Synod Secretary for 16 years (remember the Synod is only 24 years old). He has served with all the Bishops of the Florida-Bahamas Synod. He and his wife Jeri were presented with a plaque, flowers, and Resolution 11-7 that the Assembly approved unanimously by applause in honor and appreciation of his service as Synod Secretary for 16 years. Thank you Pr. Yesse!

Phyllis Fludd White, as she has for several years, has brought levity to our Assembly to make sure we are still laughing and awake. This year she has included “Children's Bible in a Nutshell” to make sure we get our daily laughs. You can find this Nutshelled Bible through this link

We broke for dinner on our own (Tervi's Italian Restaurant at the hotel is a great place to eat).

We gathered back for Opening Eucharist. As I looked through our Worship Booklet I noticed we were using Setting 3 from ELW (or Setting 1 in LBW). I was kind of disappointed at first. I was used to doing unique worship settings at the Assembly and I thought that worshiping with the setting I grew up with every single Sunday would be disheartening, but I was wrong. It brought back the memories of my home congregation (which is a good thing) and then with the USF Trombone Quartet and the electronic keyboards that could make it sound like there was a full orchestra leading worship, it was a powerfully uplifting worship experience. Bishop Benoway's sermon reminded us that there is power in the Easter message. Power to overcome doubt and fears. This power leads us to boldness. To speak the power of God's word with all boldness. To enter into mission and ministry with boldness. To be bold, loving, and compassionate people. Bishop Benoway used the wonderful quote from Martin Luther,“Sin Boldly and believe and rejoice in Christ more boldly.” Even more powerful is the context Martin Luther spoke those words. He spoke them to Philip Melanchthon as Melanchthon struggled if they were doing the right thing in the Reformation. It is always amazing to watch and be a part of communion at the Assembly. Seeing everyone from every part of Florida-Bahamas Synod walking forward to receive Christ's body and blood. At Christ's table, there is no division. No race, no sexuality, no gender, just children of God, forgiven and freed to love one another. And then we are sent to go in peace and boldly proclaim the good news (and get some rest because Friday is going to be a long day).

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